How to Counter Mental Stress


Mental stress is a feeling that occurs when a person feels drained and overwhelmed. It usually occurs due to bad incidents and situations around you. The problem is “if you don’t take steps or decisions to counter it, it’s going to kill you by making you unhealthy from head to toe. This blog will discuss the causes, symptoms and solutions of stress according to our lifestyle.


Here are some statistics related to stress worldwide:

  1. Almost 1/3 of the total population is experiencing mental stress.
  2. Greece, Philippines, Tanzania, Albania, Iran, Sri Lanka, United States, Uganda, Costa Rica and Rwanda are the top 10 countries with the highest stress rate currently.
  3. Young age groups 18-24 have more stress than the other age groups.
  4. Mental stress is an indirect cause of more than 5 million deaths annually by causing other diseases in the body.


Mental stress is a silent killer and its causes are not understandable to a lot of people. People also hesitate or get scared of talking about their problems. That’s why, we are going to take a deep dive into its causes.

1. Daily Targets and Demands

  • Financial Problems: People with a middle or lower financial status can’t fulfill their needs so they overthink about their financial issues.
  • Work Stress: People with higher working targets and jobs take too much stress because of market competition or pressure from their bosses.
  • Relationship Issues: People get into relationships to get comfort but they get unnecessary demands and cheat instead.

2. Family Issues

  • Marriage or Divorce: People get unhappy when their life after marriage becomes vulnerable and decide to separate their ways from their partners. After divorce, they may remain stressed because of revengeful thoughts or any other uncomfortable change as compared to married life.
  • Having Children: Having children is not only a reason for happiness but also a challenge for parents to fulfill their needs and expenses.
  • Conflicts: Hatred between family members because of property or other reasons also can cause mental stress.
  • Deaths: The death of a loved one also causes a lot of stress.

3. Environmental Factors

  • Pollution: When people see pollution around them, they get irritated by thinking about the causes and effects of different types of pollution (noise, water pollution, air pollution etc). They also get affected by pollution and suffer from infections and diseases.
  • Controversies: People who spread negativity in society are the major cause of controversies. They play their role in controversies through racism, fascism, religion, politics, ragging, abusing, backbiting, fighting etc. It never means that a person who is spreading negativity doesn’t get stressed. He who hurts equally bears.
  • Crimes: Increased crime rate can also be a factor in mental stress. It can be either because of fear of criminals or a critical mindset.
  • Corruption: Corruption is a national and international crime. From a lower-grade officer to the head of the government, anyone can be dishonest and spoil the system. Notable examples of corruption are money theft, money laundering and breaking the promises committed to the nation, by politicians and government officials. This makes the life of the public complicated.

4. Health Issues

  • Diseases: People facing chronic diseases like diabetes or autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis also get stressed by overthinking about their diseases. These health issues can be caused by genetic imbalances, hormonal imbalances or any carelessness related to lifestyle.
  • Diagnosis: Some people feel more stressed after identifying their disease and its future impacts.
  • Side Effects: Some people take high-potency medicine like steroids, which causes depression as its side effect.

5. Psychological Factors

  • Expressions: Stress also occurs during extreme expressions like anger, fear and sadness.
  • Phobias: Some people have unusual fears, like being scared of heights, water, needles, knives etc so, they get stressed if they continuously see or experience what they are scared of.

Symptoms Of Mental Stress

Stress disturbs the immune system and nervous system, which leads a lot of diseases. Below is a table showing the symptoms of stress:

Emotional SymptomsCognitive SymptomsBehavioral SymptomsPhysical Symptoms
AnxietyDistracted concentrationIncreased sleepinessHeadaches
IrritabilityNegative thoughtsIncreased awakenessStretched Muscles
Mood swingsWeak memoryLonelinessStomach Problems
Overwhelmed feelingPoor CreativitySmokingWeak Immune System
Emotional detachmentConfusionDrug addictionBody pain
Strange HabitsSkin issues
Symptoms of Mental Stress

Stress’s Impacts on Health

By disturbing the nervous system, the immune system and other systems of the body, chronic stress can cause the following diseases or medical issues:

1. Weak Immune System

The immune system gets weaker even against usual diseases like fever, cough, flu and minor infections.

2. Cardiovascular Issues

Stress can cause high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

Mental Stress
Mental stress can cause hypertension

3. Muscular Pain

Stress causes muscular tension and muscular pain.

4. Digestive Issues

Stress disrupts the digestive system and it can cause diarrhea, constipation or ulcers.

5. Skin Problems

Stress can cause eczema, psoriasis, acne and other skin issues.

6. Sexual Dysfunction

Stress can cause sexual weakness or dysfunction in both men and women.


Here are some epic solutions to counter mental stress, according to your lifestyle:

1. Finance

  1. Do not compete in money-wasting contests to show others that you’re rich.
  2. Live a simple life, according to your financial status.
  3. If you can’t afford your family’s expenses, find a better financial solution than the current one.
  4. You can also earn money through social media content creation.
  5. If you become rich, don’t waste your money. Save it for the hard times.
  6. If you still think you should spend some extra money, help the poor and deserving people.

2. Relationship

  1. Avoid putting yourself in fake and temporary relationships.
  2. Don’t share your secrets with your partner.
  3. Don’t waste your money to impress anyone.
  4. Don’t put yourself in a relationship competition.
  5. If someone doesn’t like you, don’t waste your time on him or her.
  6. If someone leaves you, try for a loyal one instead of getting hurt by someone who doesn’t care about you.
  7. Don’t get physically involved with each other without marrying, because there are a lot of side effects of having unsafe sex with multiple partners and it also causes depression.

3. Family

  1. Marriage is a better option than a temporary relationship.
  2. Stay loyal to your life partner.
  3. If you’re financially unstable, think before having some extra children.
  4. A condom is far better than an abortion. Abortion has a lot of side effects.
  5. Keep an eye on the special training your children receive so, they can tackle the problems in their lives.
  6. Choose a less time-consuming profession so you can easily spend your time with your family.
  7. Do not divorce your partner for minor mistakes.
  8. Always respect the opinions and desires of your partner.
  9. Never doubt your partner until you find solid proof against him/her.
  10. Avoid taking opinions from anyone regarding your married life except from a professional advisor.

4. Relatives

  1. Be kind to your relatives.
  2. Do not spread negativity among your relatives.
  3. Do not become a part of any plan against anyone.
  4. He who loves you loves him back, hates you, don’t hate him, ignore him.
  5. If your loved one dies, try to cry as little as you can.

5. Environment

  1. If you get stressed because of a particular type of pollution, try to resolve it or move on to a better place.
  2. Avoid putting yourself into social controversies.
  3. Avoid unnecessary discussions, particularly regarding religion and politics.
  4. Don’t go against law and order in any way.
  5. Try to live in a good, pollution-free, and controversy-free place.
  6. Keep your loyal friends and say goodbye to those who always become a cause of depression for you.

6. Health

  1. Spend at least 1 hour daily exercising.
  2. A healthy diet can keep you away from diseases.
  3. Avoid smoking, alcohol or any type of drug addiction.
  4. Avoid self-medication in the case of any illness or disease.
  5. Avoid delaying a visit to a doctor in the case of any illness.
  6. Avoid missing a medicine without a doctor’s permission during a disease.
  7. If you’re aggressive or facing any psychological problems, make sure to consult a psychiatrist.
  8. Visit a doctor monthly, so he can keep an eye on your overall health.


This is a blog about mental stress only for educational purposes. In the case of any illness, make sure to consult a doctor. Do not copy any of our content, or you’ll be facing copyright issues.

Additional Information:

  1. Mental stress can not be countered easily so, if you’ve any questions regarding mental stress, feel free to ask in the comments.
  2. If you want to know more about mental stress, click on the link below:


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