How to Normalize Low Blood Pressure


Low blood pressure or hypotension occurs when blood pressure in your blood vessels gets lower than 90/60 mmHg for various reasons and health conditions. When it gets too low, it leads to a silent death. In this blog, we’ll discuss those reasons and medical conditions. We will also discuss how you can live a safe life when you’re at risk of low blood pressure.

Readings of Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is measured using the following two readings:

Systolic Pressure

The pressure applied on the walls of arteries when your heart beats, is called systolic pressure.

Diastolic Pressure

The pressure that remains in your arteries when your heart beats is called diastolic pressure.

Measurements and Stages

Low Blood pressure
A man is checking his blood pressure

Following are the different stages of blood pressure according to their measurements:

LowLess than 90/60
Stage 1 hypertension140-159/90-99
Stage 2 hypertension160/100 or above
Stages of Blood Pressure

Causes of Low Blood Pressure

1. Dehydration

When you drink less water than you actually need or your body loses fluids in a big quantity, you get dehydrated and it leads to a decrease in your blood pressure.

2. Blood Loss

Blood loss due to excessive menses, surgery, accident or injury, can also be a reason for low blood pressure.

3. Heart Disorders

When your heart fails to pump enough blood due to weak heart muscle, your blood pressure gets low.

4. Some Allergic Reactions

Some allergic reactions, like anaphylaxis, can cause low blood pressure.

5. Nutritional Deficiencies

Deficiency of vitamin B12 and folate can cause a disturbance in blood pressure which mean both (high and low blood pressure) are possible.

6. Endocrine Disorders

Endocrine disorders like adrenal insufficiency, thyroid issues and low blood sugar can cause disturbance in blood pressure regulation.

7. Neurological Disorders

Severe neurological disorders can also cause disturbance in blood pressure regulation.

8. Pregnancy

During pregnancy, blood volume gets increased to support the formation of the new baby. Sometimes, it can also cause low blood pressure.


Low blood pressure doesn’t show any symptoms in its initial stage, but when it gets chronic or regular, it has the following symptoms:

1. Dizziness or Lightheadedness

The patient may feel dizziness or lightheadedness when his blood pressure decreases.

2. Fainting

Fainting may occur due to lack of energy or weakness.

3. Fatigue and Lack of Energy

When enough blood doesn’t reach the different parts of the body according to its actual needs. The patient will have fatigue due to the lack of energy.

4. Blurred Vision

The patient may have blurred vision or darkness in the vision due to the lack of energy caused by low blood pressure in his blood vessels.

5. Nausea or Vomiting

Low blood pressure may cause nausea or vomiting.

6. Disturbance in Concentration

When you don’t take steps to normalize your low blood pressure, you’ll not be able to concentrate on any working task.

7. Chills and Clamminess

Awkward feelings like chills and clamminess can be caused by low blood pressure.

8. Rapid and Shallow Breathing

Low blood pressure can also cause rapid and shallow breathing.

9. Several Medications

Medications like antihypertensives, antidepressants and some heart medicines and also cause hypotension.

Potential Risks

Accidents and Injuries

When you’re not able to concentrate due to symptoms like dizziness, lightheadedness, weakness and fatigue, you may suffer accidents and injuries while driving or doing any other work.

Reduce Blood Supply to the Vital Organs

Reduced blood pressure may cause decreased flow to vital organs like the brain, heart, kidney etc.

Management Strategies

By using the following strategies, you can live a comfortable life when you are at risk of low blood pressure:

1. Treatment of Causes

The treatment of disease, which plays a crucial role as an underlying cause of low blood pressure, is an important step in normalizing your blood pressure.

2. Drinks

Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water, natural juices and green tea instead of artificial-flavored drinks, coffee and alcohol.

3. Diet

  1. Eat more vegetables and fruits, especially those containing electrolytes (sodium and potassium), like bananas, oranges, spinaches etc.
  2. Don’t miss your meal or you may feel weakness due to low blood pressure.

4. Counter the Stress

Here are some tips to release your stress:

  1. Find proper solutions to your problems.
  2. Avoid meeting those people who are repeatedly hurting you.
  3. Try a freelancing environment if you are not ready to work under someone.
  4. Avoid the addiction to smart devices.
  5. Avoid crimes.
  6. Avoid sadism and controversies.
  7. Control your emotions.
  8. Avoid getting into temporary relationships.

5. Exercise

Try light and affordable exercises to improve blood flow and cardiovascular health.

6. Increase Sleep Duration

Sleep 7-8 hours a day to relax your body and regulate your blood pressure.

7. Avoid Sudden Movements

Do not stand up suddenly, it’ll drop your blood pressure. Stand and move slowly instead.

8. Stay Cool in a Hot Environment

Keep yourself cool by staying hydrated, wearing loose clothes and avoiding exposure to the heat.

9. Monitor your Blood Pressure

Keep an eye on your blood pressure and check it multiple times to ensure that it is normal.

10. Visit a Doctor

Visit a doctor to keep an eye on your overall health.

11. Avoid Medications

  1. If you’re using medicines like antihypertensives or antidepressants, make sure to inform your doctor in case of experience any symptoms of low blood pressure.
  2. Avoid self medication, it’s dangerous for health.


  1. This is a blog about low blood pressure or hypotension. This blog is for positive purposes and uses. Before trying these strategies, make sure to have a discussion with your doctor about your current medical condition.
  2. Avoid copying this content or you may face copyright issues.

Additional Information

  1. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. We’ll answer.
  2. If you want to read more details about low blood pressure or hypotension, click on the following link:


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